Thursday, May 17, 2012


Another great giveaway from MCP!
Get all the details here!

The winner will be chosen June 2!!! I am so excited!!

Here are the photos I entered for the contest:

Challenge # 3: Friend

Challenge # 2: Sunny day with sunflare 

Challenge #1: Neighborhood
The neighborhood got together to throw a birthday parade for one of their friends! :)
 Happy 50th Uncle Mike!

Challenge #4: Motion Blur 

Challenge #5: One Click

Nothing like Memorial Day smores with the fam!!
It is a bit overexposed, but this truly was the first shot. It was so hard not to edit!! :} 

1 comment:

  1. Well, I am sad to say, but I did not win the Tamron Lens! :( Sad Day!
